Language Instruction
Our Ulpanon staff is bilingual, with Hebrew as their native language. Daily routines, instructions, songs and programs are all conducted in Hebrew. To support the social and emotional needs of students in the first year of the program, teachers will use English as needed. English is slowly phased out as the year proceeds and students gain confidence in their new classroom environment. Our approach to language instruction reflects our belief that young students learn best through meaningful relationships and stimulating environments as well as our core philosophy that children are strong, curious and competent individuals.
Jewish and Israeli Traditions
The Ulpanon program infuses Israeli culture, traditions, community and Jewish values throughout our daily curriculum. We explore the fullness of living in a multicultural world while celebrating Jewish heritage through song and dance, holidays, festivals, blessings, stories and exposure to the Hebrew language.
Benefits of Learning Another Language
Researchers have found that there are many advantages to being able to speak more than one language. Some of the most powerful benefits include cognitive development—bilingual students have been shown to have an easier time developing critical-thinking habits and using skills like logic, math and decision-making. Another powerful benefit is positive social development as a result of staying connected to a family culture and community through language.
Fostering Life-Long Learning
Our goal is to create a positive attitude towards learning Hebrew and foster multiculturalism. Our loving, dynamic program plants the seeds for thriving, confident life-long learners who have an inherent connection to the Hebrew language and Israeli culture.