What ages does your preschool serve?

The OFJCC Leslie Family Preschool provides regular and extended care at the Oshman Family location in Palo Alto for ages 18 months through five years. A parent-participation program is also available for parents with toddlers. Learn more about our programs.

Does my child have to be Jewish to attend?

Absolutely not! Our preschool community includes families of many faiths, cultures, languages and backgrounds. While we draw on Jewish values and traditions, we respect and welcome each family’s and each child’s unique identity. Learn more about our approach.

 How long is the school day? How many days a week? Is there aftercare?

We have many schedule options. A choice of half-day (usually 9:00 AM–1:00 PM) or full-day (9:00 AM–4:00 PM) classes are available for most ages. Morning care (from 8:00 AM) and/or afternoon care (4:00–6:00 PM) can be added by weekday. For younger children, there are options for two, three or five days/week. Learn more about our schedule options.

What is the student-teacher ratio?

We offer exceptionally low child-to-teacher ratio across all ages, ensuring lots of warm, personal attention while accommodating a child's increasing independence as they grow.

• Tots (18–23 months): 4:1

• Two-Year-Olds: 5:1

• Three- and Four-Year-Olds: 7:1

Do you offer Hebrew immersion?

The Ulpanon Hebrew Program is a unique program enabling children ages 3–4 to learn Hebrew and experience Israeli culture within a supportive and engaging preschool environment. Learn more about Ulpanon.

תוכנית האולפנון הינה תוכנית עברית ייחודית
למשפחות עם ילדים בגילאי 4–3 המעוניינות לחשוף את ילדיהן לשפה העברית ולתרבות
הישראלית. עוד על תוכנית האולפנון

Is financial assistance available?

Yes, many preschool families receive financial assistance, and we encourage families to apply. Financial assistance is available through the OFJCC's Fund-A-Need, the Leslie Family Endowment, and the Jewish Preschool Scholarship Fund of the Jewish Community. Endowment Fund. Learn more about financial assistance.

What makes your preschool special?

We are a play-based preschool inspired by a constructivist approach and rooted in Jewish values. Children enjoy stimulating classrooms, loving and expert teachers, lush outdoor space and specialists in music, movement, gardening and more. Families can access the whole JCC for fitness, arts, Jewish learning and community events. Learn more about our approach.

How can I learn more?

For more information, please contact the Leslie Family Early Childhood Education Center at earlychildhood@paloaltojcc.org or (650) 223-8788.